LISTEN: “Written on the Wall” by Ivan Moult

Ivan Moult has released his latest single, “Written on the Wall” from his upcoming album Songs From Severn Grove (May 26) and says this about the song,

Lyrically a song about having a conversation with a new partner about their previous lovelife/partners. Acknowledging their experience. Questioning whether or not you want to or need to know their romantic past. Trying to reassure them things will be different. Observing it’s apparent in other ways without needing to be discussed.

There is a mood to Ivan’s music and it’s a mood we all need to embrace. A mood of ease and comfort and a sense of simplistic joy.

What I like about “Written on the Wall” is that despite the topic of past loves, which can be heavy, there is a light airiness to the song. The way that Ivan blends jazz and blues with his folk-esque vocals is soulful and heartfelt.

If all conversations of past relationships could capture the essence of what heart and soul is like what “Written on the Wall” has done, then life would be easier for those who want to understand.