EP REVIEW: Terrible And Sad by Skin on Flesh

I have one complaint about Skin on Flesh’s EP Terrible and Sad – it’s only 3 songs long.

I need more.

I want more.

At 8 minutes and 24 seconds, the Berlin duo, Skin on Flesh say this about the inspiration and meaning of the EP,

Terrible and Sad is a compilation of three songs talking about terrible and sad events. The music is inspired by mid 2000s emo punk rock with a mix of Spanish and English lyrics.

The shortest song on the EP which is also the title track opens with a wonderful grungy and dirty guitar before exploding into epic wails and drums that makes one want to jump into the pit.

“Aquí Está Tu Pendeja” is an inside look at a terrible scene inside a relationship and “Se Perdió Mi Corazón” featuring Andy’s Panic is about the sadness of falling out of love.

The bass in “Aquí Está Tu Pendeja” is wonderful and partners with Laura’s vocals like a fitted tee. Musically, the song evokes female empowerment and pure punk rock sass.

In “Se Perdió Mi Corazón”, the duo says,

Andy’s Panic (they/she/he) was going through a breakup while we were recording our songs in Mexico, so we let them write their heart out and featured them in Se Perdió Mi Corazón. Andy’s essence adds up to the overall sadness in the song and we’re happy it provided an outlet for Andy’s feelings that they were dealing with at the time. Our songs are an outlet for both us and others who want to express their frustrations or bottled up emotions.

The song is the stand out track on the EP. The guitar haunts, the bass rumbles, and the drum beat is infectious. There’s a softness to Laura’s voice which contrasts to the frustrated sadness in Andy’s Panic voice. 

Laced with frustrations on a personal and societal level, Terrible and Sad by Skin on Flesh is ferocious and fierce and a must listen.