Author: 16 Clefs

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TRACK OF THE DAY: “To the Moon” by Gabriella Bir

We owe a huge shout out to THE BLOGGESS for turning us onto GABRIELLA BIR. Just…

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DRAG MONDAY: “Hot Couture” by Manila Luzon

We fell in love with Miss MANILA LUZON on RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars (we missed the…

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TRACK OF THE DAY: “Saccharine” by Quintessential Doll

QUINTESSENTIAL DOLL started as the solo project of Brisbane’s STEPH LINSDELL but as she says, “along the way…

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EARGASM OF THE WEEK: “Wait Wait Wait” by Northern Faces

From their forthcoming self-titled, debut album comes “Wait Wait Wait” by Albany, NY based NORTHERN FACES….

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COVER OF THE WEEK: “Let it Ride” by Gareth Asher


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TRACK OF THE DAY: “No Matter What” by My Forever

Hailing from Thirsk, North Yorkshire UK, MY FOREVER, a 3 piece rock/pop band made of Dave Ingham, Matthew Ainsworth,…

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TRACK OF THE DAY: “Love Like This” by RY X

Today’s track of the day comes from RY X (he also does vocals for THE ACID) and…

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NEWS: Monster Energy Carolina Rebellion 2015 Line Up

If you’re a rock or metal fan, the 2015 line-up for Monster Energy Carolina Rebellion does…

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TRACK OF THE DAY: “Two Birthdays” by Maybe the Moon

Bay Area duo, MAYBE THE MOON recently released their debut single “Two Birthdays” for FREE via Soundcloud and Bandcamp….

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DRAG MONDAY: “Nails” by Alaska Thunderfuck

2015 will bring us two wonderful things in the world of drag:       RUPAUL’S…

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TRACK OF THE DAY: “Passengers” by The Ugly Club

If “Passengers” is any indication of what’s to come from THE UGLY CLUB, then we cannot wait…

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Eargasm of the Week: “Forward” by The Midnight Hollow

One of the best things about loving and listening to music is stumbling onto artists that…

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Track of the Day: “Home” by Jack Savoretti

There is something so extremely satisfying about the vocals of JACK SAVORETTI. I don’t think he could…

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Track of the Day: “4UROR4” by N0RTHRN.LGHT5

MATTHEW KAMMERER (aka MKAIO) has a new side project called N0RTHRN.LGHT5 that is “heavier, fuzzier, harder mix…

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Top 5 Albums of 2014

Continuing in the spirit of INFIDELITY (the movie), we give you our (Amy and Shelia) TOP 5…

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Top 5 Songs of 2014

In the spirit of INFIDELITY (the movie), we give you our (Amy and Shelia) TOP 5 SONGS…

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Track of the Day: “I’ll Be Home(less) for Christmas” by 8 Bit Love

Those fanciful fun fellows from 8 BIT LOVE have given us a non traditional Christmas song…

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Track of the Day: “Legendary Lovers” by 26

I am a bit biased, but 26‘s cover of KATY PERRY‘s “Legendary Lovers” is absolutely wonderful….

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Track of the Day: “Chess” by Petite Noir

We stumbled onto PETITE NOIR through DREW FELLOWS of 26/SAINT HUGHS and boy are glad we tweeted about PETITE…

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Track of the Day: “Coyote Love” by Grace Askew

When I started listening to GRACE ASKEW, I didn’t know she was a contestant on Season…

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Track of the Day: “Halloumi” by Wayfarer

Melbourne beatmaker WAYFARER has released a brand spanking new single from his BEAT TAPE 02 EP and…

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Track of the Day: “Sweat” by RY X

If you haven’t heard of RY X (or his other project THE ACID) do yourself a favor…

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MUSIC ALERT: Sleepy Dreamers Release Second EP: LOCAL FOOTBALL

Melbourne indie-folk quartet SLEEPY DREAMERS have today released their second EP, LOCAL FOOTBALL. Recorded earlier this year at Head…

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Eargasm of the Week: “This Time” by Bruno Merz

It is no secret we are fans of BRUNO MERZ and we couldn’t be happier to…

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Track of the Day: “Fire” by Wulf

Check out WULF from London and their single “Fire” from their forthcoming (February 2015) EP LAIRS….

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Track of the Day: “For the Sun” by Close Talker

Check out Saskatoon’s CLOSE TALKER new single “For the Sun” from their album FLUX (available on…

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NEWS: Blowsight Releases New Single “Swallow” Today

BLOWSIGHT releases their cover of “Swallow” by Germany’s OOMPH! on iTunes, Amazon. BLOWSIGHT recorded the song earlier this year…

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Track of the Day: “Stranger” by Mothxr

We featured MOTHXR and their song “Centerfold” as our Eargasm and we compared the song to…