If I’m completely honest, if Adult Leisure slapped the ingredients of shampoo over a sick and infectious beat, I’d sing its praise. Since discovering the treasure that is Adult Leisure, they have done no wrong.
That freedom of error continues with their second single, “All For You” from their upcoming EP, Present State of Joy and Grief (out Nov 10th).
On the song, the band says,
Although the theme of self-reflection is rife throughout ‘Present State Of Joy & Grief’, our 2nd single ‘All For You’ looks upon a fragmented bond, infidelity and loss. We wanted to tell a unique yet completely universal story. Every moment of heartbreak is captured across 4 minutes.

The magic of Adult Leisure lies not only in their collective synergy but in the unique talents of each member. James Laing’s bass, a veritable tour de force, commands the spotlight with its mesmerising groove and is impossible to ignore. Nathan Searle, James’ rhythmic partner in crime, infuses the composition with beats that resonate with raw emotion and sentiment. Meanwhile, David Woolfard’s guitar riffs evoke the same head-bobbing euphoria reminiscent of Beatles classics and in the centre of this musical maelstrom is Neil Scott, the frontman whose distinct and emotive vocals effortlessly weave through the instrumental tapestry. His voice carries the listener on a journey of sound and emotion, proving again and again that Adult Leisure is a force to be reckoned with.
With “All for You” it’s safe to say that Adult Leisure continues to shine their music prowess with effortless ease and with each note, they captivate the hearts and minds, making us fervently wish for their music to be the soundtrack of our lives.
Because damn, Adult Leisure is groovy as hell.