DISCOVER: Fates Messenger

I love, love, love discovering new music. To say it sparks joy is an understatement. It’s also the reason I started Amplify the Noise, so I could yap on and on about music that excited me, made me go hell yeah, or whatever emotion it triggered. While I have always personally been a rock girl, as I have gotten older, I have leaned more into all things metal.

So when UK based thrash metalcore four piece Fates Messenger landed in my earbuds with their debut single “Scars” that will be out on March 1, I did Ronnie James Dio proud and raised my devil horns and cranked it up to eleven.

No strangers to heavy Tony Maddocks (vocals), Ron D (guitars), Paul Fletcher (bass), and Will Romain (drums) are from legendary acts Above All, Romeo Must Die, and Dishonour The Crown. With the foursome combining their influences, they have created a sonic landscape that is dare I say vintage thrash with a wonderfully brutal and modern heavy.

While each member took time away from music, fate had a way of intervening in their lives and they found themselves together, ready to take on the metal scene and its icons. And after hearing “Scars”, there is no doubt in my mind that Fates Messenger is going to be one of the bands that just ‘suddenly’ takes the heavy scene on my storm.

On the upcoming single, Tony says,

“The lyrical theme to this song came to me while I was reading a heartbreaking story in the media about a teenager who had taken their life due to the ongoing bullying and abuse they had suffered online and physically within their social circles. A cruel and sad reflection on just how inhumane and vicious humans can be in this harsh new world which we have created, where there’s no escape from this kind of mental and physical abuse and how the smallest comment can have a long lasting effect on a person’s life whether it be face to face or online.”

With their EP due out later this year and the aforementioned debut single “Scars” coming out on March 1st, the self recorded, mixed, and mastered song is luciously heavy with guttaral vocals, bombastic rhythms, and ear piercing guitars that leave one breathing heavy and wanting more.

Find Fates Messenger online at Facebook and Instagram.

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