HOT TRACK: “Dysfunctional Mess” by MONTE

Fast, furious, and fun. 

That’s the energy the latest single, “Dysfunctional Mess”, from MONTE is soaked.

Lead singer and guitarist Caitlin Monteclare says,

“‘Dysfunctional Mess’ rose from the ashes of a bad break-up. But don’t get it twisted, this is more than your typical ex-lover diss track. It’s about taking yourself back, knowing who you are, and coming out of a toxic situation more knowledgeable and grown.”

With their debut album due later this year, Caitlin, drummer and audio engineer, Ismael Baiz, and bassist Meghan Rose are delivering music that fills a giant void for many and that’s music circa Warped Tour Style of the 90s where punk rock reigned supreme. Looking at themselves for inspiration, MONTE’s hard hitting come to Jesus moment with their inner demons is just what the punk rock doctor ordered.

The high octane “Dysfunctional Mess” is fuelled with thundering bass, bombastic drums, soaring guitar riffs, and gritty vocals and one goddamn infectious ear worm.

EDITOR’S NOTE: artist stylises their name in all caps