LISTEN: “Taflu Dŵr” by Peiriant

Welsh experimental duo Peiriant, Rose and Dan Linn-Pearl, have once again pushed the boundaries of sound with their latest track “Taflu Dŵr” from their forthcoming album Dychwelyd (July 5). The song, which translates to “Throwing Water,” flows with a grace that feels both grounding and otherworldly, like a stream merging with the vastness of space.

In “Taflu Dŵr,” Peiriant seamlessly blends violin and electric guitar to create a soundscape that is as comforting as it is expansive. The track begins with a gentle, flowing melody, evocative of water trickling through a strange forest. As it progresses, layers of drone and electronic elements create a sensation of floating through the cosmos. The juxtaposition of these grounded and ethereal sounds showcases Peiriant‘s unique ability to play with tonality and texture.

Rose Linn-Pearl‘s violin work on this track is both haunting and beautiful, drawing from her classical training and folk influences. Her interest in tonal shifts and patterns is evident, as the violin weaves through the song, sometimes dissonant, sometimes pure and melodic. Dan Linn-Pearl complements this with his electric guitar and sound artistry, adding depth and dimension to the piece with electronic samples and found objects.

The duo’s background in folk, classical, post-rock, and minimalism is evident throughout “Taflu Dŵr,” creating a rich and sonorous auditory experience. Anchored in the Welsh landscape, the song invites one to lose themselves in its layers, offering a journey that is beyond this realm.

With “Taflu Dŵr,” Peiriant not only explores new sonic territories but also invites one to reflect on the beauty and complexity of their surroundings.