DEBUT SINGLE: “A New Face” by Chain Code

If System of the Down and Primus had a child, that child would sound like the debut single “A New Face” from Chain Code.

Formed in 2022, the one-of-a-kind solo project has the goal of pushing the boundaries of what progressive rock sounds like. By combining his appreciation for both sci-fi and prog rock, Chain Code mastermind, MuRphry, says this of the song

“The single concerns the effort and ingenuity that went into designing a technology that eventually encapsulates humanity’s inherent desire for self-destruction and war. This was the first song written for the album and has some of the best interplay between guitar parts.”

With a unique blend of melody, dissonance, and intricately stringed arrangements, Chain Code is set to spin progressive rock on its head not only with their debut single but also with their debut album Synthetic Outcomes, which is due out on October 1st.