DEBUT EP REVIEW: Long Conversations by Sloan Golden

Sloan Golden’s debut EP Long Conversations is a deeply personal journey that unfolds through six tracks that chronicle moments of heartache, reflection, and growth. Each song offers a window into Sloan’s experiences, with the music serving as both a mirror and a lifeline as she navigates the complexities of human relationships. The EP’s strength lies in its ability to balance emotionally charged themes with sweet, melodic soundscapes that create an experience that is as cathartic as it is captivating.

The opening track, “Parking Lot,” sets the tone by inviting one into an intimate space of conversation and connection. Inspired by the late-night talks she would have with friends after work during high school, Sloan describes these moments as “what tethered me to reality” when things were tough. The track’s gentle melodies and raw instrumentation capture the sense of safety and vulnerability that comes with sharing deep thoughts in the quiet of a car. It’s a warm and nostalgic beginning that eases one into the emotional terrain ahead.

Next comes “Dandelion,” a track that carries a heavier emotional weight. Here, Sarah recounts a traumatic experience of assault by someone she once trusted, addresses the psychological aftermath, and the delayed recognition of the harm done. The song’s deceptively pretty melody belies the painful subject matter, but Sarah’s lyrics cut through with clarity. The song is Sloan acknowledging what happened and allowing herself to start the healing she needs. She says,

“I never really understood why women are taught that the people you know and trust are the most likely to harm you, until it happened to me.I was blind to it for so long because admitting what happened meant admitting that someone I trusted was capable of something like that, and even more so that I was capable of putting my trust in the wrong people.”

“Dressing Room” follows with a more reflective tone. Sloan captures the vulnerability that comes with revealing your true self, especially in a space that’s meant to be private but often feels anything but. The song’s delicate music mirrors the fragility of the moment and creates a sense of exposure that reverberates throughout Long Conversations. Sloan’s ability to layer her personal experiences with broader emotional truths allows one to connect with the uncertainty and fear that comes with being seen for who you really are.

“Corner of My Eye” shifts gears slightly by imagining a chance encounter with someone who has caused past harm. The poetic lyrics capture the tension of running into an old ghost and wondering what might unfold if you were to confront them. There’s a quiet power in Sloan’s delivery as she balances longing with the bitter taste of betrayal. The song feels like a breath held in suspension, waiting for resolution that never quite comes. It’s a fitting reflection of the unresolved emotions it describes.

Perhaps the most poignant track on Long Conversations is “Missing Stair”. Sloan reflects on the emotional turmoil of deciding whether to cut ties with someone who is toxic but hard to let go of. The missing stair theory is where a problematic person in a social group is quietly tolerated rather than confronted and it serves as the metaphor for this internal conflict. Sloan explains, 

“You’ve come to terms with the fact that someone you love isn’t a good person, but they’re also your blind spot.”

The song’s accompanying visualizer mirrors this dissociation. Sloan stands detached in the aftermath of a party, surrounded by streamers and balloons, while feeling completely out of place. The contrast between the festive scene and her internal struggle heightens the sense of isolation the song explores.

Closing with the title track, “Long Conversations,” is a reflective piece that ties the entire journey of the EP together. It not only chronicles Sloan’s emotional and physical journey but it also speaks to the wisdom that comes after weathering the storms of life. The track is a beautiful synthesis of the themes explored throughout the EP, longing, betrayal, and acceptance. It offers a sense of closure without losing the underlying bittersweetness. There’s a quiet peace here, a recognition that, while the scars remain, there’s strength in having survived the emotional fire and come out the other side.

Long Conversations is not just an EP about pain and suffering but it’s about the relief that comes with confronting difficult truths and the growth that follows. By blending deeply personal experiences with melodic and soothing backdrops, Sloan Golden has crafted a debut that is both engaging and emotionally resonant.