With a single vision in mind, Letallis merges their diverse influences and storytelling into their unique sound into their upcoming A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1 (July 2). In our interview with Letallis, we explore the inspiration and creative process behind the EP, collaborating with artist Carl Ellis, and how the subsequent chapters in the series will include more mythical elements and explore different aspects of the stories.
ATN: A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1, draws inspiration from the tales of Arabian Nights and musical influences like Opeth, Gojira, and The Black Dahlia Murder. How did you marry these diverse influences to create a cohesive musical narrative for the album?
LETALLIS: Those bands, amongst many others, have always been an influence for me so when I write it’s really me filtering those different inspirations to make the music I’d like to hear. I don’t intentionally try to sound like anyone in particular, more so just cherry picking my favorite ideas and trying to put my own twist on it. However, for this EP, the foundation was really trying to capture the vision I had for telling the Arabian Nights tales. There’s a lot of different metal styles and other music I love, but if I felt like it didn’t fit the narrative of the stories I didn’t include it.
ATN: Each track on A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1 seems to tell a unique story, from the encounter with a mysterious merchant to the tale of a king consumed by hatred. How did you approach the songwriting process to capture the essence of these stories musically?
LETALLIS: This is always an interesting process for me as an artist. Having such vivid stories to work with, you would think that would inform the way I write the song so it fits the narrative. When in reality I actually do it the other way around. I write the music first, then depending on how it feels I shape the story to fit the theme of the song. It can be a bit tricky sometimes trying to make everything gel together but that’s all part of learning how to tell a good story. Musically, I did set a rule for myself that I only wanted to incorporate musical instruments from countries that pertain to the Nights. So mostly Middle Eastern, although some of the original stories actually originated in parts of India/Asia and not just the Middle East. I guess you could say a lot of the tales came from people passing down stories along trade routes like the Silk Road.
ATN: The concept behind A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1 is intriguing, with each song serving as a “frame” story within the larger narrative. Can you share more about how you conceptualized this storytelling approach and its significance to the overall theme of all three EPs that you’ll be releasing?
LETALLIS: Chapter 1 definitely has the most “set up” in it, you could say. Meaning, it starts off with “Merchant”, a song technically outside of the Nights tales, but still within that universe. Then leading you to the first and most important frame story “A Thousand And One Nights” which sets the stage for all other stories after it. “Thief” and “The Vizier And The Sage” are more so individual stories. The following two EP’s will most likely lean more towards just individual stories set within the Nights, but it’s a lot of fun to twist things together, so we’ll see how that turns out!
ATN: Letallis has been active since 2006 and has undergone various iterations over the years. How has the band’s sound evolved since its inception, and how does Chapter 1 represent the current musical direction of Letallis?
LETALLIS: The band started off in high school. We were pretty influenced by bands like Lamb Of God and As I Lay Dying, amongst others, back then. I’d say since then I’ve developed more of an understanding of how to craft a song intentionally, instead of just saying “Ok here’s a riff, and then another one, and another one”. Keeping the overall narrative in mind.
ATN: What comes first? Music of the lyrics?
LETALLIS: Music usually, but there are plenty of times when a word or small lyric comes to mind and I’ll try to build the music from that simple idea. After the music is mostly done that’s when I craft the lyrics to it.
ATN: The artwork for A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1 is visually striking and complements the thematic elements of the music. How did you collaborate with artist Carl Ellis to bring your vision to life?

LETALLIS: I found Carl via another band I’m friends with in the UK, Countless Skies. He did an album cover for them that I really liked so I reached out. I told Carl about my cover idea of an old, distant Arabian city also with a tinge of fantasy to it. He sent me a few rough draft ideas and one of them was the floating city. That idea made it through several rounds of drafts. Carl was really incredible to work with. Any idea’s/tweaks I threw his way he just made it better and better until ultimately we arrived at the final cover. I wanted something that had elements of middle eastern fantasy, without being Disney-ish. I think it encapsulates the idea of the Nights really well.
ATN: A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1 is the first in a series of three upcoming EP releases. Can you offer any insights into what listeners can expect from the subsequent chapters and how they will build upon the themes introduced in this installment?
LETALLIS: To be totally honest those are still being written, so even I’m not entirely sure how they’ll turn out. Some will include more mythical elements of the stories. I’m even aiming to make a love song haha. I know they’ll continue to be very dynamic which helps tell all aspects of the stories.
ATN: As a band based in New York City, how has the local metal scene influenced Letallis‘ music and overall creative process?
LETALLIS: I dont’ know how much I can say I’ve been influenced by local bands music, but I do know hanging out with people and sharing new bands we’re listening to, going to shows and seeing new acts keeps my drive going. Being a part of that community makes you want to interact with it more and keep connecting with like minded people. At the end of the day we’re all trying to do the same thing so keeping that support going means everything.
ATN: When fans listen to Chapter 1 for the first time what do you hope they anticipate from the future releases in the series?
LETALLIS: I hope they find themselves immersed in the environment I’ve tried to create. My favorite albums are ones that pull me in on every level. Musically, lyrically, emotionally, artwork, production, etc. I hope they feel each of those elements resonate with them.
ATN: Artist / band that you feel is the most underrated and why?
LETALLIS: This band from the Ukraine I just came across called White Ward. They’re like an atmospheric film noir black metal. The soundscapes and moods they create are just unreal. It’s been on repeat for me for the last month straight.
ATN: Artist / band that you would like to collaborate with and why?
LETALLIS: Working with Will Putney has been on the top of my list for awhile. Will is not only an audio engineer wizard but also has a great sense of how to shape sounds and really bring out the best in the music.
ATN: Artist / band that you would like to tour with and why?
LETALLIS: I would love to tour with any of our big influences. Getting to share the stage with someone you’ve been inspired by would be a dream come true.