ALBUM REVIEW: New Model Of Disbelief by Leach

New Model of Disbelief, out on April 19, is the fourth album from Scandinavian quartet Leach. The album delivers a relentless barrage of ferocity and savagery, hitting listeners like a punch to the face followed by a gut-wrenching blow.

Characterised by its crushing riffs, intense vocals, and a palpable sense of impending doom, New Model of Disbelief is an electrifying and invigorating experience. Through their lyrics, Leach provides a dynamic outlet for a spectrum of emotions, tackling themes such as revolution, social injustice, and personal turmoil.

With each track, New Model of Disbelief ignites a frenzy in the mosh pit, showcasing Leach’s prowess in delivering metal madness that leaves one headbanging and hungry for more.