ALBUM REVIEW: Raidho by Dead Runes

Formed from a small recording project in 2016 by guitarist and vocalist Hunter East and bass player Pogs, Dead Runes found their footing amidst Nashville’s music scene. Despite initial setbacks and detours into other musical ventures, the duo’s shared passion for stoner and doom rock reignited their collaboration, resulting in a resurgence of their project.

With the addition of drummer Steve Janson, 2022 saw the band release their EP, The Siren and now with their latest album Raidho, the Nashville band have crafted an album that is seamlessly blends their manic intensity and laid back vibes into one cohesive sound that seizes on the quintessential elements of doom, stoner, psychedelic rock.

Those model elements are sludgy bass, fuzzy and grinding guitars, raspy vocals, and scratchy drums that offer one a passage to groovily headbang along or to sit in reflection and allow the consciousness to float freely between the notes and they lyrics of the song in search of a higher meaning.

Regardless of one’s chosen journey, Raidho demonstrates the band’s knowledge and understanding of not only their instruments but of their ability to create a dynamic flow between the heart and soul through music. 

Dead Runes’ driving rhythms, raw vocals, and layered guitars that will linger long after the final chords of Raidho fade away.

MUST LISTEN TRACKS: “My Freya”, “Raidho”, “Different Stars”, “To Hel and Back”