ALBUM REVIEW: Strange Adrenaline by Nat Vazer

Nat Vazer‘s sophomore album, Strange Adrenaline, masterfully navigates the delicate balance between fragility and strength, a tightrope only Nat’s vocals can gracefully tread.

Her voice, at times airy and breathless, at others grounded and robust, embodies this duality. In the opening duo of tracks, “Rumours” and “Strange Adrenaline“, Nat showcases the mesmerising interplay between these two facets. Her vocal versatility, previously lauded in “Addicted to Misery,” remains a highlight throughout the album. Whether soaring with delicate elegance in her higher range or delving into rich, earthy tones, Nat’s voice becomes a vessel through which poignant lyrics radiate.

However, her divine voice isn’t mere ornamentation; it carries profound messages embedded in each of Strange Adrenaline‘s ten tracks. Nat delves into themes ranging from recurring trauma and the pursuit of the unknown to blind trust, love in its myriad forms, and the inner child within. With surgeon-like precision, she exposes the intricacies of the human psyche.

Nat says this about the ten songs the album,

“They’re unique stories told through the people, places and memories that have shaken me and stayed with me over time.”

Nat Vazer’s artistry shines brightly, offering a musical experience that transcends mere entertainment. Strange Adrenaline is more than an album; it’s an emotional earthquake that will resonate deeply with the listener, leaving a mark that lingers long after the final note.

MUST LISTEN TRACKS: “Rumours”, “Strange Adrenaline”, “2am Diner”, “Born”, “Like a Burning Violin”

FAVOURITE TRACKS: “Rumours” “Strange Adrenaline”, “2am Diner”