DEBUT ALBUM REVIEW: Curse of the Commonwealth by Funeral at Sea

Curse of the Commonwealth, the debut album by Funeral at Sea, is a poignant and introspective journey through the acoustic landscapes of Jeremiah Duncan‘s soul. Released through Transcendental Revolution, the collection of heartfelt, emotional, and vulnerable songs feels like paging through a personal journal, where each track unveils a new chapter of loss, life, and the struggle to stay positive amidst adversity.

Jeremiah Duncan, known for his work with the punk band Small Steps, channels his punk roots into a raw and authentic acoustic experience with Funeral at Sea. The album’s sound, reminiscent of an acoustic Story of the Year and Dashboard Confessional, captures the essence of Kentucky’s bluegrass traditions while infusing it with a modern, punk-inspired edge. This fusion creates a unique listening experience that is both nostalgic and refreshing.

The tracks on Curse of the Commonwealth are perfect companions for a cloudy day. They offer a sense of comfort and understanding, with melodies that are as catchy as they are introspective. Each song feels like a heartfelt conversation, drawing listeners into Funeral at Sea’s world of melancholy and resilience. The simplicity of the acoustic arrangements allows the raw emotion in Jeremiah’s voice and lyrics to shine through, making the listening experience deeply personal and relatable.

Jeremiah’s ability to seamlessly blend his punk background with folk and acoustic influences is a testament to his songwriting prowess. His lyrics are introspective and poetic, capturing the nuances of the human experience with a raw honesty that is both refreshing and poignant. The stripped-down acoustic sound provides the perfect backdrop for his storytelling, allowing the emotional weight of each song to fully resonate with the listener.

Curse of the Commonwealth is an emotional voyage through the trials and tribulations of life. Funeral at Sea’s heartfelt songwriting and authentic acoustic sound make this debut a standout whether you’re a fan of punk, folk, or acoustic music, it offers something for everyone, blending elements of each to create a deeply moving and unforgettable listening experience. 

As Funeral at Sea, Jeremiah Duncan has crafted an album that is as introspective as it is universal, inviting one to find solace and connection in the shared experiences of loss, love, and the quest for hope.

Listen to our interview with Funeral at Sea