DEBUT EP REVIEW: 16,000 Days on Earth by Dead Prophet Alive

16,000 Days on Earth, the debut EP by Dead Prophet Alive, expresses a profound concept of  time and perhaps life and the journey that one takes from birth to beyond.

Whether the EP’s title is a reference to the span of 43.84 years or not, 16,000 days signifies a length of time that may feel fleeting to some but monumental to others. Could it serve as a representation of the band’s collective existence on Earth? Or perhaps, does it capture the feeling of how long it took to create the EP?

Initially composed during the period of 2014-2015, the songs found themselves in a state of stasis and in the winter of 2022-2023, Dead Prophet Alive collaborated with Patrick McElravy of Seethe to piece together and engineer the EP. Re-emerging with new life, the five songs move across space and time that is full of thunderous drums, heavy bass, and guitars.

Infused with energy and fresh perspective, 16,000 Days on Earth is a blend of the best of nu-metal and rock. Allowing for a musical metamorphosis as one listens from beginning to end and each track becomes a chapter and a narrative that echoes through time. The EP showcases not only the resilience of time but that of artistic vision and the transformative power of collaboration.