DEBUT SINGLE: “Autopilot” by Theo Moss

In a haunting blend of nostalgic alt-rock and heartfelt lyricism, Theo Moss unveils her debut single, “Autopilot” from her forthcoming EP. The melancholic journey through love and powerlessness was produced by Gabe Wax, known for his work with indie stalwarts like quinnie and Soccer Mommy.

The seasoned songwriter channels her influences from 90s icons like Nirvana and PJ Harvey into a contemporary narrative that is distinctly her own. “Autopilot” looks into raw emotional terrain, inspired by the agony of witnessing a loved one suffer at the hands of another. 

Theo confesses,

“I wrote Autopilot about someone hurting the person you love and feeling angry and powerless. You know you can’t save them but you want them to feel safe again.”

Though a dark topic, the track is a beautifully hazy guitar-driven ode that reverberates with emotional depth. Each chord progression and lyric in “Autopilot” is crafted to evoke a visceral response as it navigates the heavy topic at hand with a sincerity that is both heartbreaking and empowering.

With “Autopilot,” Theo Moss proves herself a force with her raw vulnerability and undeniable talent. As she navigates the complexities of human relationships through music, she invites us to join her on a transformative voyage of sound and emotion.