DEBUT SINGLE: “How To Not Go To Hell” by Cult Python

Cult Python‘s debut single, “How To Not Go To Hell,” is a whimsical journey on how to not visit the underworld and an amalgamation of jagged indie rock and alt-pop with a dose of irreverent satire. Recorded at Bristol’s Humm Studios under the expert guidance of producer Dominic Mitchison, the track channels an infectious Beatlesque edge with its sharp, energetic riffs and cheeky lyrical narrative.

Despite its darkly comedic premise, “How To Not Go To Hell” has a catchy surf rock vibe that infuses the song with fun and joy. The track’s upbeat tempo and spirited arrangement create a delightful contrast to its doe-eyed charm and mischievous twist. Mixed and mastered by Kristofer Harris, “How To Not Go To Hell” is a sonic rollercoaster that is captivating with its unique blend of indie swagger and playful satire.

With “How To Not Go To Hell”, Cult Python not only sets the stage for their musical journey but also offers a fresh, exuberant take on alt-pop that is both nostalgic and refreshingly original.