I love music that makes me think, question, and wonder. What am I listening to? What am I feeling? What turns sound into music? What turns sound into noise?
“Moving Slow” by My Octopus Mind summons question after question.
And the most glorious and beautiful thing about “Moving Slow” is that it answers nary a single question nor does it care or try to.
And that, to those who are reading, is a splendid thing.
My Octopus Mind is a four piece Bristol based experimental rock band that has released two albums, Maladyne Cave (2019) and Faulty at Source (2020) with their third album, Trying to Be Normal set for release in October 2023.
While I would not say “Moving Slow” moves slow, it does move at a pace that is conscientious of its sound and lyrics. The groove of “Moving Slow” flows in a state of awareness of what it needs to do to help convey the deeply personal lyrics.
Is vocalist Liam O’Connell, who also plays guitars and piano, having an existential crisis or a transcendental awakening? Is the accompanying music from Isaac Ellis, (double bass, vocals), Jordan Woolgar (guitar, synth), and Oliver Cocup (drums and bass) meant to comfort or create discomfort on whichever journey the listener may interpret.

I find the higher “falsetto” of Liam’s vocals both enchanting and frustrating. Enchanting because it’s unique and interesting, and frustrating as it’s so unique there is difficulty understanding the personal, raw, and real lyrics. It’s as if My Octopus Mind is trying to be both an open book and closed book at the same time and that duality makes me love them and “Moving Slow” even more.
While in the practice room, My Octopus Mind had already had the drum and bass groove in motion when Liam decided to on the sassy diva vocal, with the guitar line following suit, the rest is band history.
As for the lyrics themselves, “Moving Slow”
deals with Liam’s lack of courage to live up to the ideal version of himself. The one who could wear a dress and not feel like it would attract unwanted attention; The one who would be able to silence the self doubt and feel sexy in his own skin.
With “Moving Slow”, My Octopus Mind is not only confronting self-doubt and journeying into self-acceptance while defying societal norms but they remain unbothered by any questions their music may create and let their talent, creativity, and unabashedly passion for music speak their truths for them.
Listen and watch “Moving Slow” below