Before anyone rolls their eyes about another masked band, can I just say, I love the kitschiness of the theatrics. I don’t care if a band wants to hide behind their masks and remain anonymous (Sleep Token), if they’re pulling out the disguises for performances (Slipknot, Ghosts), or whatever floats the proverbial artists boats. There is an air of mystery and allure to what is hidden underneath the mask and while some fans are absolutely nuts about what is behind the curtain, my interest is piqued but I don’t have the time nor the energy to dig through the interwebs, people’s trash, to care enough about unveiling a damn soul.

Having said that, I can tell one that Spain’s GOMAD! & MONSTER are the foursome of Sebastian Shinobi on lead vocals, Doc Inari on guitar and backing vocals, Ivy on drums and backing vocals, and Alex Tena on synths and DJ and they are whipping up a frenzied good time.
That frenzied good time can not only be heard, but be seen in their single, “Raverchy” from their upcoming EP, Sickness that will be out on April 26th on Eclipse Records.
What I find rather interesting about “Ravearchy” is that it satisfies my metal loving side along with my beats loving side. For me, “Ravearchy” is the best of both worlds. While the band isn’t throwing down bleghs and blast beats, they are throwing down beats and rhythms that are both pit and dance floor worthy.
On the video, Ivy says,
“With this music video, we wanted to convey that we are a band made for live performances. Our stage presence and thunderous sound create strong and unique sensations. After touring all of Europe and many other parts of the world, we landed in Valencia (Spain) to dazzle at the last edition of the Festardor Festival in 2023.”
Doc adds,
“Making this video was an experience that solidified this new alignment, achieving a deeper artistic connection between the members of the band and our fans all over the world. Having created this visual experience reflects the character of each member, consolidating the union of our different personalities that end up complementing each other to give a new approach to this great project, which we are all very proud of.”
Edgy, explosive, and exciting “Ravearchy” is a magnificent fusion of drum n’ bass grooves with a metal twist.
Rave and roll carefully…defibrillators may be required post listening!
Pre-order or pre-save Sickness
Artwork by Edu Velasco