ICYMI: Quiet Man announces new album

MEDIA RELEASE: Bringing the darkness back to psychedelia, Quiet Man (formerly God Root) is anything but quiet. The sludge-infused kaleidoscopic debut album, The Starving Lesson is as political and ecologically bent as it is emotionally and spiritually compelling.

The band states,

It’s hard to write about anything else when you see what is happening to the planet and to our community

The Starving Lesson is due out via Riff Merchant Records and Astralands July 14.

On the first single off the album, “Set to Boil Is The New Standard”, the shares,

The military industrial machine is a Frankenstein monster long unchained from any master but total domination and anti-life. It is programmed to feed on the blood of the exploited for meaningless capital to the end-state of annihilation.

The band further says this about The Starving Lesson,

This isn’t rainbows and sunshine psych, this is peaking on acid in a car accident shit. We want the music, especially live, to be a more physical sensory experience. I think music has the power to change the physiology of a person and we really strive to give people a psychedelic experience and sense of catharsis through the performance.

The soundtrack to the self-extinction of man, The Starving Lesson is a stark proclamation of the inevitable end. 

Pre-order The Starving Lesson