LISTEN: “Congratulations” by Amelle Rose

In her latest single, “Congratulations,” singer-songwriter Amelle Rose provides a case study into the complexities of motherhood, offering a raw and visceral glimpse into her experience with postpartum depression. Through its evocative melodies and heartfelt lyrics, the track explores the emotional rollercoaster of becoming a mother while grappling with feelings of loss and a search for identity.

Inspired by personal experiences, Amelle boldly tackles the under-discussed topic of postpartum depression through her music, highlighting the concealed struggles of many mothers. Her songs spark a conversation about the frequently overlooked challenges of early motherhood, challenging societal norms and pushing artistic boundaries

“Congratulations” is a beacon of hope and understanding for those navigating similar challenges, offering solace and empathy in a world where such discussions are often stigmatised. By sharing her vulnerability, Amelle sparks important conversations about mental health and the human condition, inviting listeners to explore the depths of their own emotions.