LISTEN: “Defector” by Martial Arts

Martial Arts has pushed their collective artistry to new heights with their second single, “Defector”. The song is a compelling blend of new-wave and post-punk with its dreamlike riffs and an indomitable spirit that refuses to fade.

Continuing to build on the success of their debut single, “Warsaw”, “Defector” was inspired by the story of early 20th-century Chinese military general Shi Yousan, nicknamed the ‘Defector General’. The song captures a balance between Martial Arts‘ conceptual experimentation and their expansive sound.

James Marson, the band’s singer and co-songwriter, explains

“‘Defector’ is about the introspective struggle, helplessness and feelings of responsibility towards the disparity that our generation is faced with. Knowing that you have the potential to benefit others, but not knowing how to, and this creates frustration due to deception in the society we exist in.”

“Defector” is a statement of purpose for Martial Arts. It captures their drive to be heard and to inspire change, all while delivering an engaging musical experience.