LISTEN: “I Don’t Know” by Vanarin

Retrofuturism is defined as creating art, or in Vanarins case, music, that is influenced by the past’s idea of the future. While the term never really connected in my brain, hearing Vanarin’s latest single, “I Don’t Know,”  gave me the eureka moment of finally understanding what it meant.

In its complex layers of beats, rhythms, and sounds, “I Don’t Know” is a simply catchy vibe that marries a plethora of influences and sounds. 

70s synth? Check. 

60s groove? Check. 

New age lounge swagger? Check.

The song continues where “Hey Listen previously left off in terms of groove. “I Don’t Know” thrives on its groove-driven rhythm and intricately weaves it with soulful vocals and exotic undertones. What could have easily been a noisy mess has been carefully crafted into an effortless and cohesive funk-filled track. 

Vanarin’s fearless approach to music is highlighted in “I Don’t Know.” The past and future collide in an alluring and seductive track that is perfect whether one is on the dancefloor or lost in their thoughts. Wherever one may be, “I Don’t Know” captures the moment of now.

Photograph by Andrea Benedetta Bonaschi