LISTEN: “My Heart is Willing” by Mines

Mines is set to debut on Lavender Sweep Records with their latest album Warm and Safe on July 5th and the band has already released a tantalising glimpse of what’s to come. Known for their fearless exploration of noise rock, Mines pushes the boundaries of the genre into uncharted territory, creating a unique and captivating blend of chaos and control.

Their latest track, “My Heart is Willing,” exemplifies this exploration. The song opens with a pulsating rhythm that vibrates with a nearly hypnotic energy, immediately drawing one into its sonic vortex. The drums, surging and powerful, add a layer of complexity to the composition, creating a dynamic interplay that challenges listeners to embrace the dissonance and find beauty amidst the chaos.

As the song progresses, the guitars explode into a cacophony of feedback and distortion, creating a wall of sound that threatens to overwhelm the senses. Yet, beneath the surface, a melodic thread emerges, guiding one through the musical labyrinth. The haunting and staticky whispers of vocals are raw and visceral, adding more of an animalistic than humanistic element to the sonic tapestry but oddly provides a counterpoint to the abstract sounds.

The result is a visceral and immersive experience that showcases Mines‘ mastery of their craft. “My Heart is Willing” is evidence of the band’s ability to create music that is both challenging and accessible. The band’s unique blend of chaos and control, combined with their fearless exploration of experimental sound is captivating and haunting.