LISTEN: “Numb” by Julia Sophie

Julia Sophie, known for her avant-garde electronic style, has released her debut single, “Numb,” from her forthcoming album, Forgive Too Slow (July 22).

“Numb” is a haunting exploration of Julia’s inner thoughts, dreams, and struggles. It expresses a yearning for freedom and escape while acknowledging the grip of self-destructive habits. 

Removing the lyrical existential crisis, “Numb” throbs with a beat of an erratic heart that is lost and stumbling through the dark. Reflecting the inner turmoil and desire for change, the drumming ‘heartbeat’ intensifies and pulls one not into the song but under the emotional waves, drowning them in an infectious and hypnotic crescendo of oscillating and vibrating rhythms.

Julia Sophie invites one into her world in “Numb” offers a glimpse of her inner struggles and the beauty that arises from confronting them.

Dive into the haunting rhythms and let yourself be swept away by the intensity of this hauntingly catchy track.