LISTEN: “Pupula Duplex” by Matte Blvck

From the industrial shadows of San Diego, Matte Blvck’s latest sonic offering, “Pupula Duplex” not only reinforces the trio’s dominance in the darkwave scene but also ventures into uncharted auditory territories, blending nostalgia with a modern twist.

“Pupula Duplex” is a pulsating testament to the band’s innovative spirit. Drawing heavily from the 90s’ big beat era, the track echoes the rhythmic intensity of The Chemical Brothers, the enigmatic aura of Aphex Twin, and the raw energy of The Prodigy. However, this is no mere homage. Matte Blvck infuses these influences with a combative futuristic soundscape.

From the first note, “Pupula Duplex” grips with its relentless beats and haunting synths. The track is a masterclass in contrast, balancing the mechanical with the melodic. The belligerent basslines drive the song forward, while ethereal synth layers add depth and intrigue. It’s a track that commands attention, demanding to be played loud and in the heart of the dance floor.

As the beats throb and the synths soar, one is invited into Matte Blvck‘s world. A place where darkness and light coexist, where industrial rigidity meets emotional vulnerability. From their forthcoming album Vows, “Pupula Duplex” is a powerful reminder of the band’s ability to transform turmoil into a collective experience, resonating with fans old and new.

Matte Blvck is not just making music; they’re creating a movement. “Pupula Duplex” is poised to be the anthem of this movement, a track that will echo in clubs, festivals, and hearts alike.

Catch Matte Blvck on tour

06/06/24 – Los Angeles, CA| Resident
07/19/24 – Portland, OR | COFFIN CLUB
07/20/24 – Seattle, WA | EL CORAZON
07/23/24 – San Francisco, CA | DNA LOUNGE
08/03/24 – San Diego, CA| QUARTYARD
08/17/24 – Los Angeles, CA| Bar Sinister
09/06/24 – Leipzig, Germany | NCN FESTIVAL
10/04/24 – Guadalajara, MEXICO
10/05/24 – Mexico City, MEXICO
10/09/24 – Medellin, COLOMBIA
10/11/24 – Bogota, COLOMBIA
10/12/24 – Lima, PERU
10/16/24 – Santiago, CHILE
11/07/24 – Houston, TX | ETRO NC
11/08/24 – Denton, TX | ANDY’S
11/09/24 – San Antonio, TX | DE LA NOCHE FEST