LISTEN: “The Vizier and the Sage” by Letallis

Letallis has unveiled their gripping new single, “The Vizier and the Sage,” from their upcoming EP, A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1. This track is a haunting tale of betrayal, manipulation, and the tragic downfall of a leprosy-stricken king that draws one into its captivating narrative.

The story follows a king who, despite his wealth, suffers from leprosy. When a sage offers a cure and the king’s trust, the malicious vizier sows doubt, leading to the sage’s execution. In a final act of poetic justice, the sage’s head instructs the king to read from a poisoned book, sealing the monarch’s fate.

Blending powerful riffs, intricate guitar work, and haunting vocals, Letallis creates a dramatic story that shows the narrative depth and musical intensity A Thousand And One Nights – Chapter 1.

Read A Conversation With…Letallis