LISTEN: “Near Life Experience” by FloodHounds

In a world that often feels numbingly mundane, the latest single, “Near-Life Experience” from the FloodHounds cracks like a bolt of lightning, jolting listeners out of their existential stupor. 

From its blistering riffs to its moody melodic lyrics, “Near-Life Experience” is an anthem for those grappling with the daily grind and searching for a spark of vitality.

Guitarist and vocalist, Jack Flynn, lays bare the song’s thematic core,

“The riff came first, and we knew straight away that it had some real punch behind it. Lyrically, the song delves into the struggle of feeling numb and disillusioned but reminding you to break free of that apathy, seize the day and hold on to the moments that make you feel alive. I’m sure everyone has felt those moments when the daily grind overwhelms you, and you feel like you’re not living your life to the fullest, hopefully some of that energy blasting through the speakers can reach out to drag you up out of the haze.”

Among the chaos of modern existence, “Near-Life Experience” offers a rallying cry to break free from apathy and seize the fleeting moments that make existence truly meaningful. It crackles with energy and intensity. There’s an infused  heaviness that hits like a sonic sledgehammer and moments designed to elicit visceral reactions, to make faces scrunch up with the sheer joy of raw, unbridled riffage.

With their blistering guitars, driving bass lines from Anna Melidone, and thunderous drums from Lauren Greaves, FloodHounds offer a sonic escape from the mundane and a reminder that life is meant to be lived with passion and purpose. “Near-Life Experience” is a declaration of defiance against the dullness of everyday existence, a rallying cry for the disenchanted souls yearning for something more.

 Artwork design by Jack Flynn