ALBUM REVIEW: The Eternal Sleep by Black Suit Devil

There wasn’t a chance I wasn’t going to like The Eternal Sleep by Black Suit Devil. Andy Du Rego, the mastermind behind Black Suit Devil already worked his vocal witchery or vocal wizardry on me with the tracks “Passage” and “Buried In You”, not to mention his other project The Blues Emergency.

Embodying passion, determination, self-expression, and the indomitable spirit of humanity, the eight tracks on The Eternal Sleep are a fusion of cautionary advice and compelling call to action.

Whether it’s a warning sign about the influence of artificial intelligence, unchecked government power (ahem, looking at you United States), racial conflict, isolation, or the alarming increase of suicide, Black Suit Devil does not shy away from heated topics that push buttons and cause ire.

And rightly so because they are topics that need to be brought to attention and discussed. There’s a need for open discourse that does not shy away from the good, the bad, and the ugly. Black Suit Devil beautifully covers the hard topics with raw, visceral, and roaring vocals and lyrics. The music of each song reiterates what Black Suit Devil sings with fierce velocity and heart.

But on the flip side, The Eternal Sleep’s call to action is one of  love, unity, and togetherness. There’s an underlying message of hope within The Eternal Sleep and it’s showcased through the guitars by Andy himself, along with John Brand on bass and Vic Freitas on drums. There’s a wonderful sense of light within the bluesy rock and heartfelt grooves that is uplifting and heartwarming.

The Eternal Sleep is not only a musical journey that takes one through a range of emotions, from anger and frustration to hope and love, it is an essential listen for anyone who cares about the future of our world.