LISTEN: “Paper” by The Tale Untold

From their upcoming album Counterculture, The Tale Untold catapults one into a whirlwind of intense emotion and intricate soundscapes that capture the profound reflection on life’s choices and their consequences in their latest single, “Paper”. The Nebraska-based quintet, known for their genre-blending prowess, blends post-hardcore ferocity with djent precision and a touch of electronic flair, creating a track that is both sonically adventurous and emotionally raw.

From the first note, “Paper” demands attention with its explosive energy and complex layers. The song’s pounding rhythms and serrated guitar riffs set a fierce tone, but it’s the juxtaposition of melodic hooks and electronic accents that truly distinguishes this track. The interplay between the heavy, pulsating beats and the soaring vocal lines provides a dynamic tension that keeps one engaged throughout.

Eliss Hall‘s vocal performance is a standout element. The delivery oscillates between visceral growls and haunting melodies, conveying a poignant narrative about the weight of decisions and their impact on one’s life. The lyrics explore the dual nature of regret and gratitude with striking clarity.

“One day you can be the most important thing in someone else’s life, the next you can be reduced to nicknacks and memories.”

This lyrical depth invites one to introspect and connect with their own experiences. “Paper” thrives on its ability to seamlessly merge disparate elements. The track showcases The Tale Untold‘s knack for creating anthems that are both accessible and complex, balancing radio-friendly appeal with intricate, headbanging rhythms. This fusion not only broadens its appeal but also underscores the band’s mission to craft music that speaks to both mainstream listeners and metal enthusiasts.