LISTEN: “Faith” by Srai

The best thing about music is being surprised by music. When the word metal appears, there are a few expectations that immediately come to mind depending on what precedes or follows the word ‘metal’. Hair metal will usually evoke expectations of salacious party lyrics while death metal will evoke distortion and low tuned guitars.

Throw any preconceived notions out the door when it comes to Kuwait’s metalcore band, Srai and their latest single “Faith”.

What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful blend of metal they are. Harmonious, melodic, and downright sick in riffs be it guitars, bass, or drums. At times the vocals remind me of the vocal tenderness of Chester Bennington and at times his ferocious strength.

On the song and video, the band says,

“The song ‘Faith’ and the music video have a deep meaning, the song describes how hard life can be, and no matter how much life throws at you, you must fight back your demons and get back on your feet. Join us on this musical journey as we combine our passion for rock and storytelling, using our songs as beacons of light in a world that knows no bounds. Let Srai’s music be your guiding light!”

Formed in January 2022 to share their experiences of living in a closed-off society, the band is one of the few acts to play rock. To say Srai (translates to lantern) are walking so others act behind them can run is an understatement. He band is literally and figuratively lighting the path for others. Be it to follow in their footsteps or to follow out of the darkness, Srai are there as a beacon.

With a message of resilience during life’s hardships, “Faith” is the light that Srai is holding for others to know they are not alone.