LISTEN: “Come n Go” by New Tide

New Tide’s “Come n Go” is a cinematic experience of heartbreak and longing, wrapped in an eerily beautiful soundscape. The track captures the agonising silence of a relationship that is unravelling. With lyrics that speak to the unspoken tension and the widening emotional chasm between two people trapped in their own detachment.

The song’s unique atmosphere is built on a foundation of jazz-style drums that ebb and flow like the uneasy rhythm of a failing relationship. The haunting melody, played on a bespoke home-built guitar, adds a touch of raw intimacy, as if the instrument itself is echoing the fragility of love on the brink of collapse while the bass cuts through the space as a foreboding reminder of the inevitable end.

With the subtle pain and beauty within its notes, “Come n Go” is a haunting portrait of a dying love and conveys the quiet devastation of love lost.