ALBUM REVIEW: Away from this Dream by Axel Flóvent

Axel Flóvent‘s latest album, Away from this Dream, is a vibrant blend of folk influences, alternative sounds, and irresistible pop melodies. Away from this Dream showcases Axel’s ability to transform personal experiences into rich songs with each track capturing moments and emotions that are a blend of authenticity and artistry that is intimate and heartfelt.

The creative process behind the album involved experimentation with the Roland Juno-60 keyboard, which adds a distinctive layer to the music. This new approach allowed Axel to move beyond his usual acoustic guitar-based compositions, exploring richer and more varied sounds that breathed new life into his music.

Beginning with “Moonlight”, the song’s delicate guitar lines and ethereal keys set a contemplative mood. This track, like many on the album, builds gradually, creating a sense of journey and discovery. “Don’t Wait For Summer” follows and features Axel’s smooth vocals over a captivating instrumental backdrop. This track, along with “Have This Dance,” explores themes of love and new beginnings, capturing the excitement and uncertainty that come with change.

“Wash It Away” takes a deeper dive into the complexities of emotional relationships, highlighting Axel’s lyrical depth and sensitivity. The song’s intricate harmonies and subtle rhythms create a reflection on the challenges of maintaining one’s identity within relationships. Similarly, “This Feeling” envelops the listener in a soft, dreamy atmosphere, emphasising layered vocals and a minimalist beat.

Influences from the 80s pop are evident throughout the album, particularly in tracks like “Chasing The Night,” which combines retro synths with modern production to create a dynamic and engaging sound. “Honesty” continues this theme, with its catchy melody and rhythmic pulse, while “When The Sun Goes Down” offers a moment of calm introspection, underscored by a soothing arrangement.

One of the standout tracks, “Asymmetry,” is a beautiful example of Axel’s vocal prowess and emotional depth. The song’s sparse piano accompaniment allows his voice to take centre stage to deliver a heartfelt performance. The album closes with the title track, “Away from this Dream,” which captures the themes of love and aspiration, leaving one with a sense of hope and possibility.

With Away from this Dream, Axel Flóvent has created an album that not only showcases his artistic evolution but also invites one to join him on a journey of growth and self-discovery.