ALBUM REVIEW: Dollar Lizard Money Zombie by HMS Morris

Prepare to embark on a mind-bending musical journey as HMS Morris, the innovative Welsh pop collective, unleashes their third studio album, Dollar Lizard Money Zombie tomorrow, September 15th. With this release, the band defiantly challenges the status quo, delivering a sonic manifesto that’s as thought-provoking as it is musically captivating.

Dollar Lizard Money Zombie serves as a whimsical yet scathing critique of a world that often diminishes us mere mortals to money zombies who toil away for giant dollar lizards. Hence the title, Dollar Lizard Money Zombie, but the album isn’t just a collection of songs; it’s a rebellion against the mundane and an invitation to break free from the shackles of conformity.

In other words, stop mindlessly following the herd.

by Rhiannon Holland at Mefus Photography

With the addition of Billy Morley and Iestyn Huw Jones on guitar and drums, this album marks an evolution in HMS Morris‘ sound. One that includes sweet nostalgia of ’50s cowboy melodies to the sheer madness of electro-metal to the meandering realms of acoustic prog to synth-pop and so much more. The album allows one to traverse through the musical journey with fearless abandon as each track unfolds like a new chapter in a genre-spanning saga, keeping listeners on their toes and eager for what’s next.

But it’s not just the genre diversity that sets Dollar Lizard Money Zombie apart, the band has woven their signature wit and humour through each lyric and melody. Perhaps what is most surreal is as someone who does not know nor understand Welsh, the songs that include Welsh sound familiar as if I can understand the language without knowing a damn thing about it. That is the talent of HMS Morris. They have effortlessly combined not only languages but their storytelling with elements that make one think and at times giggle like the highly infectious track, “Balls”.

In a world filled with conformity and complacency, HMS Morris dares to be different. With this audacious album, they beckon us to join their musical rebellion, to break free from the chains of the ordinary and embrace a world of sonic adventure. 

MUST LISTEN TRACKS: “Balls”, “110”, “Bingo”

FAVOURITE TRACKS: “Balls”, “Bingo”, “Ceredigion”