ALBUM REVIEW: Forge of Rebellion by Dreamslain

Dreamslain is set to release their highly anticipated second album, Forge of Rebellion, on June 14th. The Norwegian progressive metal trio has created an album that looks deep into the struggles of our world, urging one to rise up against injustices while showcasing their remarkable growth as musicians.

Opening with “Secrets of the Forge,” the track immediately sets the tone with its blend of historical and contemporary themes. Transporting one through time, it reveals the secrets of rebellion and the tools needed to challenge oppression. It’s a powerful introduction that expresses the band’s activist spirit and their commitment to storytelling through music. 

Intertwining real-world issues with their sound, “Burn the Boats,” is a critique of environmental and economic exploitation. This track highlights the destruction of traditional fishing practices in favor of large-scale commercial fishing, drawing parallels between ancient and modern forms of oppression. 

While “Braving the Storm” addresses the European border crisis with a fierce urgency. The band connects the dots between historical struggles and contemporary challenges, urging listeners to confront racism and xenophobia head-on. The song’s intensity is matched by its lyrical depth, making it a standout on the album. 

Dreamslain‘s sound is an intriguing mix of progressive metal, extreme metal, and classical influence and this eclectic blend creates a rich tapestry of music that is both epic and thought-provoking. Tracks like “Dragon of Ice” showcase their ability to weave fantasy elements into their music, using myth and legend to explore themes of loss and resilience. The band’s musical journey is marked by a commitment to pushing boundaries. Igor Jakobsen‘s vocals and guitars, Anna Loppacher‘s keys and organ, and Daniel Paulsen Figenschou‘s drums come together to create a sound that is both complex and accessible. The interplay between three is seamless, with each member bringing their unique strengths to the fore. 

The album’s closing track, “Humankind’s Fall,” is  a haunting reflection on the state of the world, blending dystopian imagery with a call to action. Dreamslain’s ability to balance darkness with hope is a testament to their skill as songwriters and their dedication to their craft itself..

Forge of Rebellion is a bold and ambitious album that challenges, inspires, and captivates. It’s an album about fighting for justice and challenging the status quo with Dreamslain tackling heavy topics with a deft touch, using their music to inspire activism and empathy. Whether addressing environmental destruction, immigration issues, or broader themes of resistance, the band’s message is clear: change is necessary, and it starts with us.

Pre-order Forge Of Rebellion digital album, CD, and purchase and get tickets to their album release show on June 15th.