ALBUM REVIEW: Nadir by Groza

With their third album, Nadir set for release on September 20, Germany’s black metal force Groza return with a seismic leap of atmospheric depth and raw aggression. It not only solidifies the band’s position as a powerhouse but pushes the boundaries of their own established sound.

What began as a one man project by multi instrumentalist P.G. in 2016, expanded to a full band in 2018 with their debut Unified in Void. With their sophomore release The Redemptive End landing them on the German charts, the band relentlessly worked on their reputation both at home and globally.

Nadir marks a moment for the band and showcases a refinement of their sound while retaining the raw intensity that defines them. The six tracks range from ranging from blistering to epic and collaborations with artists such as J.J. and M.S. of Karg and Harakiri For The Sky demonstrate Groza’s ability to weave intricate melodies and searing aggression that allow for a rich tapestry of sound that pushes the limits of modern black metal.

The album’s opener, “Soul: Inert,” sets a formidable tone with its atmospheric build-up as it treads into “Asbest”. Both have a beautiful balance of melody, while the latter of the two integrates relentless heavy drums with melodic riffs and guttural vocals that create an immediate impact.

Over eight minutes long, “Dysthymian Dreams” offers a deeper dive into the exploration of mood and texture with a haunting interplay between clean and distorted elements. The song’s structure shifts seamlessly between moments of intense fury and haunting introspection and shows the band’s mastery over both aggression and atmosphere.

While “Equal. Silent. Cold.” offers a relentless barrage of riffs and blast beats that showcase the bands technical prowess, “Deluge” on the other hand is a nearly ten-minute odyssey that explores the full spectrum of who Groza is as a band. From brooding contemplation to an all-out sonic assault, the track’s length allows one to fall deep into Groza‘s dark and intricate world of music.

The closing track, “Daffodils,” stands out not only for its collaborative nature but also for its ability to capture the album’s emotional strength. Featuring guest appearances from J.J. and M.S., the track blends Groza‘s signature sound with the unique elements of the collaborating artists and creates a powerful conclusion to the album.

With its intricate compositions, relentless energy, and emotional power, Nadir sets a new standard for modern black metal and allows Groza to continue their evolution and exploration of sound.