DEBUT ALBUM REVIEW: Of Crackling Embers & Sorrows Drowned by Brazen Tongue

Brazen Tongue‘s debut full-length album, Of Crackling Embers & Sorrows Drowned (June 7), is a powerful testament to the resilience and creativity of its creators, Scott Skopec and Ethan Gifford. From the opening chords to the final fadeout, this album is a relentless onslaught of heavy riffs, brutal rhythms, and surprising harmonies that carve a unique niche in the metal landscape.

One of the immediate impressions upon diving into this album is the impeccable harmonies woven throughout the intense instrumentation. It’s a rarity to find such meticulous attention to melody in a genre often dominated by aggression and raw power. Brazen Tongue masterfully balances these elements, creating an auditory experience that is both ferocious and beautifully melodic.

The album’s thematic depth adds another layer of richness to the listening experience. Of Crackling Embers & Sorrows Drowned looks into the existential themes of mortality, acceptance, and the struggle against the fleeting nature of life. Each track offers a journey into personal and philosophical realms, inviting one to reflect on their own experiences and interpretations.

Standout tracks like “Weight of Self” and “Beneath the Broken Trees” hit with emotional intensity, exploring the depths of personal struggle, loss, and grief. Meanwhile, “Metaviral” and “Walking the Parapets” deliver biting social commentary, addressing issues of media manipulation and societal detachment with searing clarity.

One of the album’s crowning achievements is its ability to seamlessly blend storytelling with musical prowess. Tracks like “Last Train From Myrdal” and “The Recidivist” weave compelling narratives, drawing one into evocative worlds of regret, forgiveness, and redemption.

Closing with the epic “The Maddening Symmetries,” Brazen Tongue leaves one with a hauntingly unforgettable finale. This track serves as a culmination of the album’s overarching themes, merging elements of fantasy and introspection into a spellbinding crescendo that lingers long after the final notes fade away.

Of Crackling Embers & Sorrows Drowned is a triumph of modern metal craftsmanship and Brazen Tongue has crafted a debut album that not only showcases their musical talents but also invites one on a journey of introspection and exploration. With its stunning harmonies, blistering riffs, and thought-provoking lyricism, this album is sure to captivate metal fans and newcomers alike.

Read out interview with Brazen Tongue

Album Art By: Chris Kiesling / Misanthropic-Art