DEBUT EP REVIEW: anxious/Faceless by We the Sun

The power trio of We the Sun emerged from South Wales in September 2022 and immediately began carving a name for themselves. The trio, armed with infectious guitar and bass riffs, thunderous drums, and harmonious vocals, embodies the very essence of great rock great rock-n-roll.

In their debut EP, anxious/Faceless, the band showcases the aforementioned essence in the six songs, each an example of their ability to channel the heart of rock into their music. Each track has glorious riffs, accompanied by bold and beautiful bass lines that seamlessly weave into the fabric of the enthralling vocals. The drumming is crisp and sharp and serves as a backbone to each song, propelling the EP into a journey that captivates from start to finish.

We the Sun‘s musical prowess is not just about raw energy; it’s a skillful blend of precision and emotion. The EP offers a sonic landscape where each element finds its rightful place, creating an immersive experience for the listener. From the first note to the last, anxious/Faceless establishes We the Sun as a force to be reckoned with, delivering a debut that resonates with both technical brilliance and an unmistakable passion for the art of rock.

MUST LISTEN TRACKS: “Hark!”, “Chance, Chance, Chance”, “Brug”