DEBUT EP REVIEW: Days of Grey by Red Vanilla

Hailing from Dundee, the alt-rock band Red Vanilla is making waves with their debut EP, Days of Grey. The EP captures the band’s journey and their bold foray into the music world. Recorded with the talented Kieran Smith, Days of Grey bridges the nostalgic echoes of the ’90s with the robust sound of modern rock.

The recording process itself was a creative highlight for Red Vanilla and the band shares,

“We absolutely loved recording with Kieran, he’s very talented and understood what we were looking for straight away. Since the songs were 90s inspired, he asked us if we wanted him to record it so it sounded like it was from the era, but we asked him to produce it like a modern metal record as we love that sound and that’s what he specialises in, so the drums and guitars sound huge and the vocals are crisp.”

Red Vanilla‘s story is one of serendipity, having formed through a series of online ads. Vocalist Anna Forsyth believes their meeting was “the universe’s way of bringing us together.” But the band chooses to focus on the future rather than their origin and as their identity is still evolving, they are determined to prove their doubters wrong through their music and unyielding ambition.

Their critics can officially be silenced.

Each song on Days of Grey resonates with heart and soul and the strength of the music and lyrics serves as a powerful rebuttal to any criticism Full review  may have received.  The eight tracks on Days of Grey have a wonderful, relaxed, and introspective vibe, with powerful and melodic choruses that soar above swelling rhythms and dynamic guitars. They showcase the band’s ability to craft songs that are both introspective and emotionally charged with a sense of intimacy that invites one on a musical journey of self-discovery while providing a sense of catharsis and release.

From the rumbling “Outside In” to the anthemic energy of “All These Better Things” or the reflective tones of “The Know How”, Days of Grey is the proof in the proverbial pudding. Evident in every note of the EP is Red Vanilla’s dedication and hard work but also their versatility and  commitment to their sound. The songs are a carefully crafted experience, blending layers of intricate instrumentation with evocative vocals that pull one into the band’s world. 

Days of Grey is a statement of intent from a band ready to make their mark on the world.