EP REVIEW: Sidescroller by Game Changer

In the vibrant realm of 8-bit video gaming and music, two legendary figures emerge: Jumpin’ Johnny and Flyin’ Ryan. Johnny, hailed for his unparalleled reflexes in gaming and music, faced a final showdown at a high-stakes tournament, seamlessly merging his gaming prowess with sick beats and basslines to defeat an unbeatable boss. 

Meanwhile, Ryan, the synth wizard and guitar hero, transformed glitches into mesmerising harmonies during a virtual reality concert, earning acclaim as a sonic sorcerer. 

Their paths converged in an arcade, leading to the birth of Game Changer, an 8-bit retro video game band that captivated audiences with nostalgic melodies and pixelated landscapes. Together, Jumpin’ Johnny and Flyin’ Ryan forged a dynamic partnership, transcending the boundaries of gaming and music to create an unforgettable musical legacy.

Why live in a 3D, 4D, or 5D world when you can live in an 8-bit world?

While Sidescroller, the debut EP from Game Changer, certainly evokes the nostalgia of an 8-bit video game soundtrack, its punk, rock, and experimental elements add depth and diversity to the musical journey. 

Tracks like “Just Sayin’,” “Yesteryear,” and “Migraine” exude a raw punk energy reminiscent of legends like Sex Pistols and Iggy Pop, while “Float Your Boat” channels the spirit of 90s alt rock. Meanwhile, the piano-driven “Even More” offers a playful nod to cabaret. 

With its eclectic mix of influences, Sidescroller proves that Game Changer is more than just a nostalgic trip down memory lane, it’s a bold exploration of sonic possibilities. Get ready to press play and embark on an unforgettable musical adventure.