EP REVIEW: Sword of Virné by Chronicler of Ardul

In the realm of dark fantasy symphonic death metal, Chronicler of Ardul’s new EP, Sword of Virné, stands as a testament to the genre’s expansive narrative potential. Set for release on August 16, 2024, the EP follows earlier release Myrewood, deeper into the intricate world of Ardul with a tale of forbidden magic and the eternal thirst for power.

David Williams, the creative force behind Chronicler of Ardul, demonstrates not only a deep understanding of metal and orchestration but also a profound commitment to storytelling. His background from Berklee College of Music shines through in the meticulous composition and production of the EP. Each track is crafted to advance the narrative while maintaining a cohesive musical experience that is both grandiose and intimate.

Thomas Blanc‘s vocals add another layer of intensity, delivering raw emotion that complements the EP’s thematic depth. His performance brings the dark, complex world of Ardul to life, making the story all the more intense.

At the heart of Sword of Virné is a story of ambition, magic, and inevitable destruction. The EP opens with “Durmad, The Ambitious,” and the track sets the tone for the EP. It is both a dramatic orchestration and a visceral metal experience. From the very first note, Chronicler of Ardul demonstrates a masterful ability to fuse ethereal orchestral passages with the raw intensity of death metal. The track introduces Durmad, a mage driven by frustration and an insatiable desire for forbidden knowledge. His quest to harness ancient magic sets the stage for the EP’s dark narrative.

“The Forge” continues the narrative arc with a powerful blend of chaos and creation. Here, the story intensifies as Durmad, in his quest for ultimate power, crafts the Sword of Virné, a weapon forged from forbidden magic and destined to wreak havoc. The track’s composition mirrors this turmoil, juxtaposing the relentless brutality of metal with haunting orchestral strings that underscore the sword’s malevolent nature.

The title track, “Sword of Virné,” is a deep dive into the sword’s ominous legacy. The piece is a tour de force of both orchestral grandeur and metallic ferocity, capturing the sword’s insatiable thirst for blood and the tragic fates of those who wield it. The sorrowful melodies intertwined with the heavy riffs create a chilling portrayal of the weapon’s dark influence.

The EP concludes with “What Ambition Reaps,” a bonus track that serves as a reflective coda to the journey. The piece revisits key moments from the previous tracks and provides a summary that captures the ambitious drive and catastrophic consequences explored throughout the EP. It’s a reminder of the price paid for overreaching ambition.

Sword of Virné is a compelling addition to Chronicler of Ardul’s expanding universe. It successfully marries intricate storytelling with powerful symphonic death metal, making it a must-listen for fans of both genres. As the EP builds on the foundation laid by Myrewood, it promises a rich, ongoing saga that will captivate and leave one eagerly awaiting the next chapter in the dark world of Ardul.

Read A CONVERSATION WITH…David Willliams of Chronicler of Ardul