HOT TRACK: “Bonechapel” by Fates Messenger

Following the release of their debut single“Scars”, Fates Messenger is wasteing no time in asserting their dominance in the metal scene with its follow up, “Bonechapel”

The emerging force in metal has once again unleashed a sonic storm with their latest single, “Bonechapel”, and while there is no prescribed order to experience the intensity of Fates Messenger, I do suggest one dives headfirst and let the raw power of their sound consume you.

Tony Maddock (vocals), Ron D (guitars), Paul Fletcher (bass), and Will Romain (drums) proves their mettle once more and in doing so revitalizes the essence of metalcore and metal in its entirety.

“Bonechapel” is meticulously crafted for maximum impact and shows Fates Messenger’s undeniable talent. The growling vocals, savage riffs, thunderous basslines, and brutal drums intertwine seamlessly and create an onslaught of unapologetic brutality that is fierce, feral, and ferocious.

Whether one is a die-hard metal aficionado or a casual listener, “Bonechapel” proves that Fates Messsenger is not only a force to be reckoned with but also confirms they are the new torchbearers of modern metal.