HOT TRACK: “She Knows” by Miranda Joan

We’re fervent admirers of Miranda Joan here at Amplify the Noise. Her enchanting blend of R&B soul and infectious exuberance in her vocals delivers not only a musical delight but also a spiritual and emotional rejuvenation.

Her latest song, “She Knows,” impeccably captures the essence of this spiritual awakening and emotional reset, particularly in its celebration of female friendships.

Miranda says this of the song,

“Being a woman comes with a complex set of stories that push and pull us in so many directions. The undercurrent is one of immense power, but often its surface is restless with questions of worth in a world that often challenges our value and undermines our personhood. I am increasingly in awe of and grateful for those who live in strength and self-knowing and remind me of our power. This song is in honor of the friends who can see through choppy waters and into the crystal clear hues of your humanity; those who truly see you, who love you, who know you.”

While it may be a celebration of friendship, while listening, there was one person I thought of, my mom. The song resonated with me on a personal level, as it underscored the profound understanding that often, amidst a world full of acquaintances, it is our mothers who possess an unparalleled insight into our true selves. But mothers are often more than just mothers, especially to daughters, they are often our closest friends and biggest cheerleaders and with “She Knows” it reminded me that mine was just that.

“She Knows” is not just a song; it’s an evocation of the spiritual connection and the appreciation of those who truly know us best. It’s a reminder of the invaluable bond between the sisterhood of friendship and a testament to the depth and power of human connection.