LISTEN: “Can I See Your Lovely?” by Diana McGrane

LA based singer songwriter, Diana McGrane says this about her latest single, “Can I See Your Lovely?”

“Somehow singing the lyrics filled the wounded heart with hope and the promise that the impact that one can have on you is never lost. The imagery in the song creates an illusion that love is connected to everything, from the ‘sunshine on my window’ to the ‘colors of a rainbow’. Later, after the loss of a parent, the song again seemed to provide comfort for the pain, proving that ‘Can I See Your Lovely?’ serves as a symbol of faith for those that need it and the belief that you may once again see the wonder of someone’s eyes.”

Despite the lyrical mood, the folkie ode to a memory of someone dear to the heart is a light and airy track that is lively and full of zest.

The song aims to remind one to revel in the time they have with those they care about as time is not infinite and that we should all appreciate the ones we love a little louder while they’re still around instead of reminiscing about them when they’re gone.