LISTEN: “Lights to the Sky” by Chandra

Meet the one man show, Chandra. He recently released his latest single, “Lighters to the Sky” and the gent not only wrote the song, he also recorded and produced it and scripted, filmed and edited the accompanying video.

Who says you need a team to make music? (Though I have no doubt having a team does ease the pressure.)

Of the song, Chandra says,

I wanted to write a positive, uplifting antidote to the blues. This is basically a love song to all the people who have a dream but are struggling… who know deep down inside what they want to do but can’t find the support they need to follow it through.

He continues,

It’s also as much about people recognising that they can help someone in spades just by being a little bit supportive. We all understand what it feels like to come together at a gig and hold our lighters or phones up to the sky… imagine if you could give someone that kind of support… how much of a lasting boost that might give someone.

“Lights to the Sky” is a song for those who need to know they are not alone. Listen or watch below