LISTEN: “On the Line” by Little Thief

Infectious track after infectious track, there is no stopping Little Thief. Their latest single, “On the Line” proves once again, they are masters at creating high energy jams that echo with wailing guitars and catchy beats, while also filled with lyrical self-analysis.

On the song, Charlie Fitzgerald (vocals and lyrics) expresses, 

“‘On The Line’ was one of our favourite tunes to come out of a two month writing stint we did on a farm in Wales. The song is reflective of fast paced fun-filled city life. Working, weekends, doing shows, burning the candle at both ends and keeping up with everything. There are times when being in a band is just mental; you’re juggling so many things but kind of keep on going. Music is incredibly addictive to make and I think being a part of it can bring you the most incredible highs and also make you feel fucking terrible. There is a resilience and a true love in people that keep them invested and dedicating their lives to it. I’ve seen it more and more as I’ve got a bit older and I have nothing but admiration and respect for the people that stick with what they love.”

The admiration Charlie feels is a two way street. Anyone who listens to Little Thief would feel the same admiration and respect for the band as well. They have an innate ability to hit at emotions that we humans have all felt or will feel at one point in time but do so with a caring hand that touches the soul. The bonus of that innate ability is that it just so happens to be through a great song. Or as I said earlier, great song after great song.