When I hear the Welsh language, it feels as if it is a direct connection to the fairies and elves of forgotten worlds and Mali Haf has created an ethereal pop song with “SHWSH” that is quite magical. Mali’s magnificent voice is angelic and effervescent, doubling the impact of “SHWSH” not from just a lyrical point of view from a vocal point of view.

Many may not know nor understand Welsh, but Mali sings in such a way that her native tongue is not only mesmerising but familiar. In “SHWSH”, Mail encourages one to be their true selves and not just the self they curate for social media or like the curated selves of reality TV.
Mali showcases that being oneself in the accompanying video where the songstress plays someone auditioning for the role of playing a ‘woman’ who exists based on societal stereotypes and expectations.
Watch “SHWSH” below