LISTEN: “Shipwrecks” by Aaronson

Taken from their debut album, The Great Swells that Carry Us Will Pull Us Under, Aaronson released their single, “Shipwrecks” at the beginning of February.

With an eerie and unsettling introduction that evokes a sense of unease similar to a ship bouncing across the waves of turbulent waters,“Shipwrecks” transforms into a magnificent swell that not only carries one away, but also pulls one under. It’s the crescendo of harmony and melodies from the strings and guitars that gently pushes one further and further into the depths of the water. Not so much as drowning, but lulling one to a moment where one pauses and becomes introspective.

It’s apropos that “Shipwrecks” will be the final single from their debut album as the song is grandiose in its sound and ultimately comes to rest like a shipwreck resting on the ocean floor.