LISTEN: “Take My Reign” by Nepthisis

The name Nepthsis and the artwork for “Take My Reign” lead one to believe there is about to be a harsh brutality unleashed upon the ears.

What is unleashed is the love child of Lady Gaga and Lilith Czar.

Nepthisis is Lady of Veils and Goddess of Mourning and the driving force of the project is artist Sheila Eden. Inspired by the primal desires and dark dreams, Nepthisis is fusing rock, goth, industrial, and darkwave into their own soundscape. The soundscape and vocals of Nepthisis are extremely interesting in “Take My Reign”. There’s subtle nuances that are discovered upon repeated listening.

Of “Take My Reign”, the artist says this,

‘Take My Reign’ is a powerful song about reclaiming personal power, and moving past constricted freedom. It’s about rising to be the highest version of ourselves as ‘queen’, and killing the old burdened version. This song is a combo of metal, grunge vibes, dark industrial, electro-rock and female-empowered Screamo.

Listen to “Take My Reign” or watch the video below