On February 24, 2022, Natisa Gogol woke at 4:45 am to the sounds of rockets and explosions. The war had started in Ukraine. Forced to flee her home with her son, Natisa is more determined than ever to continue her home-grown music career.

Out now, “Aesthetics”, is a love note to the LGBTQ+ community, especially those in Russian occupation who are further discriminated against, Natisa says the song,
Is a tale of love that is more powerful than life itself, overcoming injustice, prejudice, and any obstacles it may encounter.
For the video, the Ukrainian refugee decided to portray a love affair between two women that transcends space and time. With the video, Natisa continues to deliver a bold and powerful message about strength and holding onto hope even in the worst of times.Watch the video for “Aesthetics” below.